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Home / Poker / PokerStars Mystery Cash Challenge Season 2 begins this Sunday

It’s back.

The PokerStars’ Mystery Cash Challenge returns for a second season this Sunday (Sep 22) with an incredible new line-up and some insane pots in store.

The exciting made-for-TV game combines the thrill of a live high-stakes cash game with the fun of a mystery bounty tournament and went down a storm in Season 1 (you can watch and read about Season 1 below).

You’ll be able to watch all episodes for free on PokerStars’ YouTube channel.

Here’s the first look at the cast for Season 2:

  • Alexander Seibt, aka. Wolfgang Poker (US)
  • Olga Iermolcheva (UA)
  • Barny Boatman (UK)
  • Benjamin Spragg (UK)
  • Lex Veldhuis (NL)
  • Parker Talbot, aka. Tonkaaaa (CA)

New episodes from Season 2 will drop twice a week on Sundays and Wednesdays, so the full schedule will be:

  • Episode 1: Sunday, September 22. 5pm UK time
  • Episode 2: Wednesday, September 25. 5pm UK time
  • Episode 3: Sunday, September 29. 5pm UK time
  • Episode 4: Wednesday, October 2. 5pm UK time
  • Episode 5: Sunday, October 6. 5pm UK time
  • Episode 6: Wednesday, October 9. 5pm UK time


At first glance, the Mystery Cash Challenge looks like a regular 6-max no limit hold’em game. But there are some major differences.

For one thing, the €25/€50 game is pot limit pre-flop, then no limit post-flop. That means the most someone can bet before the flop is the current amount of the pot.

The game is also divided into six rounds of 10 hands each.

The first nine hands are a qualification phase. Players must win one of these nine pots in order to qualify for the 10th and final hand of the round — the bomb pot.

The player who wins the most pots will win the button during the bomb pot (if it’s a tie, the most recent pot-winner will claim the button).

Alexandra Botez played on Season 1

In the 10th hand of each round, all players must post €100 to see a flop, with a Mystery Prize added to the pot for the winner.

On top of this, a Bonus Prize will be added to provide some extra spice.


The first season of the PokerStars’ Mystery Cash Challenge was a ton of fun as an incredible line-up of guinea pigs tested out the new format.

Chess superstar Alexandra Botez returned to the poker table. She enjoyed huge success at the PokerStars Caribbean Adventure back in January, winning her first PokerStars trophy in a hyper turbo for $10,815.

She was joined PokerStars commentators Griffin Benger and Maria Ho, Team Pros Sam Grafton and Parker “Tonkaaaa” Talbot, and Brazilian crusher Fabiano Kovalski.

James Hartigan and Joe Stapleton were on hand to call the action.



In this final episode, we find out who will end up as the biggest winner of the game, two players win a mystery prize, and a few players share a cheeseburger.

The five-second shot clock: A blessing in disguise?

One of the most intriguing aspects of this episode is the five-second shot clock imposed on Griffin Benger.

Initially, it seems like a disadvantage, but Griffin turns it into an opportunity. He wins multiple hands and even claims that the time constraint allows him to tap into his “pure gut instinct.”

A new poker superhero is born: the “5 Second Man”.

The Overall Winner

Alexandra Botez emerges as the overall winner, making the most profit over the course of the game. She gets to pick the last mystery prize and ends up with a $100 ticket, which she jokingly tries to trade for the cheeseburger.

The Cheeseburger Finale

The episode ends on a light-hearted note, with the players sharing a cheeseburger, the lowest-value mystery prize. It’s a fun conclusion to a series that has provided plenty of thrills, laughs, and, of course, high-stakes poker action.

So, if you haven’t watched it yet, head over to PokerStars YouTube channel and experience the final showdown for yourself.


Alexandra Botez was again the star player in this episode, winning four out of the nine hands in one round. Her skill and strategy were evident, and she managed to dominate the game effectively.

What made this episode particularly enjoyable was the light-hearted banter among the players. Sam likened himself to a “side character” or “NPC” in a video game, adding a touch of humour to the high-stakes environment.

Maria’s Masterstroke

One of the standout moments in the episode was Maria’s strategic use of a forced limp. She used this to her advantage, making other players think she had a weak hand when she actually had a strong one. This psychological play showcases the depth of strategy involved in the game.

Fabiano’s Downfall

On the flip side, Fabiano had a tough time, losing multiple hands and being significantly down. His struggle added a sense of tension to the episode, making viewers wonder if he could turn his luck around. Despite this, Fabiano stays positive and in good form.

Griffin’s Time Crunch

Maria, after winning a mystery prize, had the option to put a player on a 5-second shot clock. She chose Griffin, making his decision-making process even more challenging. This was a strategic move that will add a layer of complexity and excitement to Episode 6.

Tune in next Saturday 14th October for Episode 6 over on YouTube.


In one memorable episode, Alexander Botez stole the show with her incredible gameplay, winning five out of nine hands. Maria Ho also made her mark by winning the final bomb pot.

The episode was filled with tension, strategy, and a bit of humour, making it a must-watch for any poker enthusiast.

The Dominance of Alexandra Botez

Alexandra Botez, known for her chess prowess, showed that her strategic thinking extends well beyond the 64 squares. She won five out of nine hands, leaving the other players stunned. Her gameplay was so dominant that it led to jokes about her being in “god mode.”

Botez had the unique ability to swap one of her hole cards, a powerful advantage that she used to great effect. The other players were visibly intimidated, leading to some hilarious table talk. Botez’s performance was so overwhelming that it led to discussions about her deserving a “Team Pro Badge”… or at least stealing Sam Grafton’s.

Maria Ho’s Final Bomb Pot

Maria Ho, a legend in the poker world, also had her moment of glory by winning the final bomb pot of the episode, making her one of the few profitable players. Maria’s win was a refreshing change in the game dynamics, which had been largely dominated by Botez.

Maria was awarded a “forced limp” power, allowing her to pick a player who would be forced to call the big blind, assuming no raise before the action got to them. This added another layer of strategy to the game, making the next round even more intriguing.

Tune in next Saturday for Mystery Cash Challenge Episode 5, available exclusively on YouTube.


The Gameplay

The episode was a rollercoaster of emotions, strategies, and high-stakes poker action. Alexandra Botez, known for her aggressive and strategic play, was the focal point. She had already won back-to-back bounties in previous rounds and was a force to be reckoned with.

One of the highlights was a tense hand between Sam Grafton and Griffin Benger. Sam managed to bluff Griffin successfully, adding a layer of suspense to the episode. Another notable moment was when Maria Ho found herself a huge favourite against Alexandra. However, Alexandra’s audacious bluffing strategy didn’t pay off this time, and Maria took the pot.

Player Reactions

The players were both amazed and intimidated by Alexandra’s performance. There were jokes about just giving her all their money, given her dominating presence at the table. The episode was filled with banter, strategic discussions, and players contemplating how to counter Alexandra’s aggressive play. New nicknames were formed such as Box Office Botez, Bluff Catcher Benger & Sizeable Sam.

Mystery Prize

Alexandra wins another mystery prize, adding to her already impressive winnings. She is given a special power for the next nine hands, where she can change one of her hole cards pre-flop, how will Alex make use of her new super power, watch over on YouTube next Saturday for Episode 4 of the Mystery Cash Challenge.



It’s rare that Parker “Tonkaaaa” Talbot is a quiet presence at the poker table, but in Episode Two of the Mystery Cash Challenge, the PokerStars Team Pro was silent.

Not by choice, mind you. Talbot was silenced for nine hands as a penalty imposed on him by his opponents. They believed he would suffer the most from not being able to talk.

Were they right?

You’ll have to find out in the latest episode.

The silence is deafening for Talbot


Alexandra Botez and Griffin Benger engage in a thrilling hand where Botez rivers a full house. The pot grows large, and the tension is high as both players navigate the hand skillfully. In the end, Botez takes the pot, adding to her impressive winnings.


Sam Grafton decides to straddle, increasing the stakes and adding another layer of complexity to the game. This move pays off as he manages to win a crucial hand, qualifying him for the final hand of the round and the mystery prize.

The PokerStars feature table

The episode leaves us eagerly awaiting the next instalment, as we wonder who will rise, who will fall, and what new twists the Mystery Cash Challenge will bring in Episode Three, available on Saturday 23 September.


It’s finally here.

Episode One of the PokerStars Mystery Cash Challenge, and what a first episode it was.

You can watch below.


We have given you a fair warning! If you’ve not seen the first episode yet, stop reading!

Mystery Cash Challenge Bomb Pot

The Bomb Pot is where the real drama unfolds. All players managed to qualify, but it was Alexandra Botez who stole the show. Facing a gutsy move by Fabiano Kovalski, Alexandra made a brave call that not only won her the pot but also the mystery prize. Her win was a testament to her analytical skills and her ability to replay the hand in her mind.

Botez celebrates her win

The Power of Silence

As a bonus prize, Alexandra got to pick a special power: the ability to make one player remain silent for the next nine hands.

She chose Parker Talbot, a player known for his talkative nature and psychological gameplay. This added an interesting dynamic to the game, as silence can be as powerful a strategy as any in poker.

It will be interesting to see in Episode Two if Tonka maintains his silence or pays a fine to all his fellow players.

Parker Talbot: “Hello darkness, my old friend…”

What an episode!

The PokerStars’ Mystery Cash Challenge is more than just a poker game; it’s a psychological battle where strategy, skill, and sometimes, the power of silence, can make all the difference.

The first episode sets the stage for what promises to be an exciting series, leaving viewers eagerly waiting to see if Parker Talbot can keep his mouth shut in the next episode. One thing is for sure: in the Mystery Cash Challenge, expect the unexpected.

The series is highly entertaining. With its unique format, fun table talk, and psychological battles, it’s a show that keeps you engaged while also offering valuable lessons in poker strategy and psychology.

The best part is we still have five more episodes to go. The next episode airs on Saturday 16 September on YouTube.

If you have any feedback for the show, feel free to comment over on YouTube!

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