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As summer comes to a close, many see early September as an opportunity to set goals, reflect, and lay out career plans. We surveyed 1,500 Canadian professionals and discovered that emotional control and perception management are as important for workplace behaviour as they are for high-stake poker games. 

But how can we achieve such control over our emotions?

We all have reactions that give us away in certain situations and it got us wondering whether Canadians find it difficult to mask their ‘tells’ at work. It turns out that…

Arlie Shaban, our Canadian PokerStars Pro player comments on these findings and believes that sticking to a plan and managing pressure effectively is a key behaviour to harness within a business setting but also around a poker table. It’s all about handling pressure, not avoiding it.

Shaban also has a number of useful tips and tricks to help when it comes to those all-important discussions around salary negotiations and public speaking in meetings. He advises to focus on the long-term goal rather than getting stuck on immediate setbacks, develop consistent behaviour to avoid giving away any ‘tells’ and to use music and breaks to reset when emotions run high.

We also spoke with Angela Champ, renowned Canadian HR expert, author and senior leadership coach who believes that maintaining composure, especially when it comes to physical ‘tells’ is a good way to establish positive relationships with colleagues and help achieve long-term career goals.

She also shared some of her top tips for controlling ‘tells’ in the office, which include taking a pause in the face of stressful situations, physically shaking off the nerves before a big moment/decision and keeping perspective when things get heated.

Feel ready to put these tips into practise? A four-step poker tournament that gives users a chance to participate in the biggest and best poker experiences awaits.

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