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Home / News / News / EPT Prague satellites still running on PokerStars – Win full packages to the Main Event

EPT Prague, the final stop on the EPT 2022 calendar, and what a beautiful place it is. Set at the King’s Casino at the Hilton, players will be treated to the finest winter poker festival in the world. If you haven’t yet qualified, there’s still a couple of chances left to earn full Main Event packages via online satellite.


The EPT Prague Main Event runs from December 12 – 18, and has an entry cost of €5,300. You can still buy in directly for the event.

There’s also two direct satellites to the EPT Prague Main Event running on PokerStars before the festival begins. This could well be your last chance to qualify for less. Here are the dates:

€530 EPT Prague QualifierOne package for every €6,200 in the prize pool (one package gtd)
Dates: December 8, December 11

Winners will earn an EPT Prague package that grants entry to the Main Event along with travel expenses, which breaks down as follows:

  • €5,300 buy in for EPT Prague Main Event
  • €900 credited to PokerStars account to assist with travel costs

With only two opportunities left, you won’t want to miss either opportunity to qualify for the EPT Prague via online satellite.


Looking for lower cost routes to entry? Sub satellites are running from as little as €1.10. Winners will work their way up to direct satellites, giving you chance to win entry to the EPT Prague Main Event for less. Here’s a look at the sub satellites on offer:

  • €55 EPT Prague satellite – one seat guaranteed to €530 Qualifier
  • €27 EPT Prague satellite one seat guaranteed to €530 Qualifier
  • €22+R EPT Prague satellite one seat guaranteed to €530 Qualifier

You can play lower tier feeders to earn entry to higher cost sub satellites, starting your journey towards EPT Prague qualification for as little as €1.10 (or even free). Here’s a look at the lowest cost options:

  • €1.10 EPT Prague sub-satellite – one seat guaranteed to €27 satellite
  • €2.20+R EPT Prague sub-satellite – one seat guaranteed to €55 satellite
  • EPT Prague Freebuys (with €0.11 rebuys)one seat guaranteed to €22 satellite


To find EPT Prague satellites, open up the PokerStars lobby and click the “Events” tab. Then click the “Live” tab. From here, you’ll see a list all upcoming live events.

Scroll down the sidebar to find EPT Prague. Click on the event, then on “Open Event Lobby”. You’ll now see tabs for the Event Schedule, All Satellites and Direct Satellites.

If you’re looking to buy in directly for the €530 Qualifiers, click “Direct Satellites”.

If you’re looking to sub-satellite your way to the EPT Prague, click “All Satellites” to see the full list.

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